Read the article below first.
Doctors call for gender-focused HIV care in Canada | CTV News
Done? Good. Now I will tell you why this is a humongous steaming pile of bullshit. You see, of late, I have been reading more and more about the neo-feminist movement, not the one that brought them to societal equals in at least as much as rights (even if there are still issues such as salary disparity). No, these new feminists feel oppressed, marginalized by society. They feel as though their needs are not being attended to.
Enter Margarite Sanchez. She is our paragon for this tale. She was not tested for HIV, poor dear. Even though she had tons of symptoms, the victim of an uncaring, inept system with inadequate, virtually third world resources!
Right, and I am the goddamn fucking pope. There are so many holes in this story that the Swiss would want to know her secret for cheese manufacturing.
First, the biggest plot hole: Why her doctor did not test her. She said she was not high risk. She didn't use drugs. She didn't work in the sex trade. Yet, she did not reveal where she got her infection, and, despite being in a committed, relationship, did not tell her husband once she found out.
I mean, seriously, what the fuck. You've just contracted a very much fatal, long-term, sexually transmitted disease... and you are not telling your husband? Why did your doctor not test you for HIV? Well likely because you were in a (supposedly) committed relationship and (supposedly) not a drug user. You didn't fit the risk profile, so why bother testing for it if you are being blatantly dishonest about what is going on in your life!
HIV just doesn't fall from the sky. You either fucked someone else, did intravenous drugs, or got transfused infected blood. And given that you concealed it from your husband, I doubt it was a transfusion. Your story is invalid. It is not the story of the failure of a system. It's the story of a liar who was caught in a lie and didn't want to admit it to anyone until her life was on the line. The system didn't fail, you lied and can't take responsibility.
Second, this mythical rainbow unicorn study. I went looking for it. Plenty of news articles site it, but the website that did it, doesn't have anyone that appears to be it. It might be buried inside one of the studies they purport to have done, but none of them has the conclusion that women are getting unfair treatment. They are, however, a lobby for woman-centric treatment centers. I wonder why? Perhaps for more funding for their efforts?
And what of these claims that doctors are outright refusing patients with HIV/AIDS? Why are they not filing grievances? Why is this not a national debacle? Oh, right, because it's hearsay. It's not first hand accounts. It's accounts by doctors running an underfunded clinic that specializes in woman's treatment. Seems like they'd see a large benefit if this issue were made front page news. Why, more money for more salaries, and a larger facility, more patients for more recurring revenue...
This is not altruism. This is the wolf in sheep's clothing. They hold up an obvious liar as their example of a failing system, bolster it with some pretty outrageous claims with no backing evidence. and support it with a study that has either been retracted from the website or is a nested result of another study done by a group which already shows a bias towards woman's issues.
I'm all for better medical treatment. I am not against improvements made in our policies. But for fuck's sake, stop it with the gender politics. The woman in this case, the woman whose story you feel exemplifies the failures of the system, has lied. She concealed a lethal disease from her sexual partner. This is not the act of guiltless person. She lied to her doctor, who was "floored by the results."
This is why people see feminist conspiracy. Because now feminism is the hot new marketing term to get your way.