Saturday, August 15, 2015

Content thief, thy name is known

I have a cat.

He's cute.

Here, look:

So why am I showing you a cat video, especially an old one from 2013. Well because someone decided to use it in a compilation. Without permission. Without giving credit. And also editing the video in such a fashion as to remove the watermark on the video.

The video just also happens to hail from then, so obviously this little weasel happen onto my video, and decided to steal it to make some cash off of my video.

So I dropped a DMCA hit on him. It's my content. It's not a transformative use. It's not for news, and lacks comment on it. It's just theft. As it stands though, the little shit is contesting. But the best part: To contest it, he had to give up his name. See, that's important. That means I can take legal action. Now, with the videos being this old, it's highly doubtful this leads anywhere with major monetary consequence to him. But I could potentially open a big can of worms.

I feel like this is a good can to open.

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